Educator's Workbench
Educator's Workbench Learning Series
Educator’s Workbench (Cohort7)
- Cohort 7, Day 1 hosted in Bath on Jan 9, 8:30-3:30
- Cohort 7, Day 2 hosted in Bath on March 6, 8:30-3:30
The Educator Workbench learning series is a free, two-part, in-person UDL-focused professional learning opportunity brought to you by 517 EdTech. The goal of the series is to allow participants to adopt the mindset required to properly support Universal Design for Learning and model authentic uses for strategic technology tools in support of a Universally Designed classroom.
Each attendee will receive:
- A copy of the book Inclusive Learning 365
- A box filled with new classroom tools and materials mailed to your classroom for you to use and explore during the session and beyond.
- Classroom-embedded time and space to explore a vision for making your classroom more flexible and universally designed to benefit both the ongoing realities of having to lesson plan and teach now and into the future.
This event is free to attend for all REMC 13 educators. If you have any questions, please reach out to the Educator Workbench facilitators: Ingham ISD: Andrew Shauver, Phil Booth, Clinton County: Allison Remington (Rogers) or Eaton RESA: Christy Lobdell.