Digital Instruction Network

Digital Instruction Network: 
A Learning Series for all Educators  

Throughout the 2020-2021 school year, the #517 EdTech leadership team (made up of Allison Rogers at CCRESA, Andrew Shauver at Ingham ISD, and Christy Lobdell at Eaton RESA) have been providing the Digital Instruction Network: A Learning Series for all Educators to support teaching and learning in an ever changing educational environment.  In each episode, we collaborate with guest speakers from around our #517 EdTech community and provide a platform to share solutions to challenges, discuss how to best engage students in our unique climate, and overall create a sense of community and collaborative support to all educators and leaders.  Session recordings can be found on the #517 EdTech Website and are also shared out via the #517 EdTech ListServ.  Check out the YouTube Playlist for all available episodes.

Digital Instruction Network Full Playlist


DIN Season 4 Full Episodes:

DIN Season 3 Full Episodes:

DIN Season 2 Full Episodes: