Great Start Family Coalition

The Great Start Family Coalition is made up of parents, grandparents, and caregivers of young children in Clinton County.

Follow us on Facebook for more up-to-date information!


Our vision is one where the entire community comes together to promote the physical, intellectual and social emotional development of young children.


We will inspire a family focused community that invests in the development and needs of all Clinton County children.  We will nurture, educate, inform, and support communication networks for families so that each child is prepared to succeed in school and life.

The Family Coalition's Purposes

  • Serves as a “voice” for parents in the community
  • Assists in building public support for early childhood as an investment
  • Supports and participates in the assessment and strategic planning work of the Great Start Collaborative.
  • Strengthens the commitment of families in the community, on behalf of young children.

Reasons to Participate

  • Tune up your education about Early Childhood.
  • Network with other parents/caregivers.
  • Build your knowledge of resources to strengthen your family.
  • Hone your public speaking skills.
  • Develop leadership skills.
  • Share your voice to influence programs and services.
  • Help create meaningful changes for area families.

How can you participate

Join the Clinton County Great Start Collaborative to explore and develop plans for a comprehensive early childhood system. Become actively involved in the Family Coalition.

Strengthening Families: Protective Factors

Strengthening Families is a national model to promote child development and to build strong families.

It includes five protective factors to reduce stress and keep families strong.

Click here to view five protective factors and details.

Sample Questions To Ask Potential Child Care Providers or Preschool Personnel

Recommended By Clinton County Great Start Family Coalition

  1. Do you have any vacancies?
  2. Is all personnel current in CPR and First Aid Training?
  3. Can I see a copy of your emergency policies or can you describe them to me?
  4. What are the credentials of the director and or teachers/caregivers of my child?
  5. What is your policy to release a child and to whom can they be released?
  6. Are you licensed? How long have you been?
  7. How do you redirect children with their behavior?
  8. Can you show me the daily schedule?
  9. Is outside time provided each day?
  10. How is literacy incorporated into my child’s day?
  11. Are meals provided?
  12. Is there a way for me to know each day how my child’s day went?

Family Coalition Staff

Larissa Contreras
Great Start Family Liaison
Kimberly Rooney
Great Start Family Educator