School Safety Drills

In compliance with Public Act 12 of 2014 completed school safety drills for CCRESA will be posted here within 30 days after a drill is completed.

In compliance with drill reporting requirements in subsection 8 of Public Act 12 of 2014 completed school safety drills will be posted on the CCRESA website within 30 days after the drill is completed.

School Year: 2024-2025
School Building: Clinton County RESA Administration Building
Address of Building: 1013 S US Highway 27, Saint Johns, MI 48879
Name of Individual Conducting Drill if other than the School Principal: Jeremy Charvat


Public Act 12 of 2014 requires “A minimum of 5 fire drills is required for each school year for a school that operates any of grades kindergarten to 12.  3 of the fire drills shall be held by December 1 of the school year and 2 shall be held during the remaining part of the school year, with a reasonable spacing interval between each drill.”

DateTimeSignature of Person Conducting Drill
09/17/249:45AMScott M. Koenigsknecht
10/04/2410:00AMScott M. Koenigsknecht
10/17/2410:00AMScott M. Koenigsknecht


Public Act 12 of 2014 requires “A minimum of 2 tornado safety drills is required for each school year…At least 1 of the tornado safety drills shall be conducted during March of the school year.  These drills shall be conducted for the purpose of preventing injuries caused by severe weather.”

DateTimeSignature of Person Conducting Drill
03/04/251:00PMScott M. Koenigsknecht


Public Act 12 of 2014 requires “A minimum of 3 drills in which the occupants are restricted to the interior of the building and the building secured is required for each school year at a school that operates any grades kindergarten to 12.  At least 1 of these drills shall be conducted by December 1 of the school year, and at least 1 shall be conducted after January 1 of the school year, with a reasonable spacing interval between each drill.  A drill conducted under this subsection shall include security measures that are appropriate to an emergency such as the release of a hazardous material or the presence of a potentially dangerous individual on or near the premises.  The governing body of a school shall seek input from the administration of the school and local public safety officials on the nature of the drills to be conducted under this subsection.”

DateTimeSignature of Person Conducting Drill
10/24/249:45AMScott M. Koenigsknecht
01/08/251:00PMScott M. Koenigsknecht
03/06/259:15AMRescheduled to 03/11/25


Public Act 12 of 2014 requires “A school that operates any of grades kindergarten to 12 shall conduct a least 1 of the drills required by the act during a lunch or recess period, or at another time when a significant number of the students are gathered but not in a classroom.”

DateTimeSignature of Person Conducting Drill
10/04/247:35AMScott M. Koenigsknecht


Public Act 12 of 2013 says “A scheduled drill that is not conducted on a scheduled drill day due to conditions not within the control of school authorities, such as severe storms, fires, epidemics, utility power unavailability, water or sewer failure, or health conditions as defined by the city, county, or state health authorities will not result in a violation of  (the Act) as long as the school conducts the minimum number of drills required (by the Act and) the school reschedules the drill to occur within 10 school days after the scheduled date of the cancelled drill, and the chief administrator notifies the county emergency management coordinator of the rescheduled date or the drill.”

DateTimeSignature of Person Conducting Drill
03/11/251:00PMScott M. Koenigsknecht

In compliance with drill reporting requirements in subsection 8 of Public Act 12 of 2014 completed school safety drills will be posted on the CCRESA website within 30 days after the drill is completed.

School Year: 2024-2025
School Building: Clinton County RESA Educational Center
Address of Building: 4179 S. US 27, Saint Johns, MI 48879
Name of Individual Conducting Drill if other than the School Principal: Principal


Public Act 12 of 2014 requires “A minimum of 5 fire drills is required for each school year for a school that operates any of grades kindergarten to 12.  3 of the fire drills shall be held by December 1 of the school year and 2 shall be held during the remaining part of the school year, with a reasonable spacing interval between each drill.”

DateTimeSignature of Person Conducting Drill
10/04/249:45AMVicki O'Rourke
10/16/242:00PMVicki O'Rourke
11/07/2410:00AMVicki O'Rourke


Public Act 12 of 2014 requires “A minimum of 2 tornado safety drills is required for each school year…At least 1 of the tornado safety drills shall be conducted during March of the school year.  These drills shall be conducted for the purpose of preventing injuries caused by severe weather.”

DateTimeSignature of Person Conducting Drill
3/6/252:30PMVicki O'Rourke


Public Act 12 of 2014 requires “A minimum of 3 drills in which the occupants are restricted to the interior of the building and the building secured is required for each school year at a school that operates any grades kindergarten to 12.  At least 1 of these drills shall be conducted by December 1 of the school year, and at least 1 shall be conducted after January 1 of the school year, with a reasonable spacing interval between each drill.  A drill conducted under this subsection shall include security measures that are appropriate to an emergency such as the release of a hazardous material or the presence of a potentially dangerous individual on or near the premises.  The governing body of a school shall seek input from the administration of the school and local public safety officials on the nature of the drills to be conducted under this subsection.”

DateTimeSignature of Person Conducting Drill
10/22/2410:00AMRescheduled for 10/25/24 Vicki O'Rourke
11/15/2412:00PMRescheduled for 11/14/24 Vicki O'Rourke
12/12/2510:00AMRescheduled for 2/5/25 Vicki O'Rourke


Public Act 12 of 2014 requires “A school that operates any of grades kindergarten to 12 shall conduct a least 1 of the drills required by the act during a lunch or recess period, or at another time when a significant number of the students are gathered but not in a classroom.”

DateTimeSignature of Person Conducting Drill
11/15/2412:00PMVicki O'Rourke


Public Act 12 of 2013 says “A scheduled drill that is not conducted on a scheduled drill day due to conditions not within the control of school authorities, such as severe storms, fires, epidemics, utility power unavailability, water or sewer failure, or health conditions as defined by the city, county, or state health authorities will not result in a violation of  (the Act) as long as the school conducts the minimum number of drills required (by the Act and) the school reschedules the drill to occur within 10 school days after the scheduled date of the cancelled drill, and the chief administrator notifies the county emergency management coordinator of the rescheduled date or the drill.”

DateTimeSignature of Person Conducting Drill
10/25/2410:00AMVicki O'Rourke
11/15/2412:00PMVicki O'Rourke
2/12/2510:00AMVicki O'Rourke