Strategic Plan

2024-2029 Summary

Our Mission

The mission of the Clinton County Regional Educational Service Agency is to demonstrate quality leadership in partnership with stakeholders to provide high-quality services through innovation, collaboration, and communication.

Our Vision

The vision of the Clinton County Regional Educational Service Agency is to be the recognized leader in providing exceptional learning opportunities for all, in partnership with our schools, families, and communities.

Our Beliefs

We believe…

  • Everyone deserves an environment that is nurturing, safe, respectful, and provides a sense of belonging;
  • Education is a shared responsibility of the home, school, and community;
  • All students are unique individuals who learn, have a purpose, and can contribute to society;
  • In providing high-quality and equitable services and leadership to those who we serve;
  • Instructional decisions and design practices are based on the needs of the whole learner;
  • Expectations, effort, instruction, relationships, and results matter.

Strategic Plan Goal Areas

Services, Programs & Partnerships

Engage in partnerships to provide a comprehensive continuum of high-quality programs and services to meet the needs of all stakeholders.

  • Develop a Special Education Task Force to continually assess needs, plan for improvements, and monitor progress.
  • Expand the work of the district profiles.
  • Internally develop an organization-wide process for decision-making to bring departments together in collaborative efforts and better serve our districts.

Communications/Community Engagement

Inform and engage the community about opportunities and services provided by CCRESA.

  • Establish contract with Ingham ISD for communication supports.
  • Develop a communication plan with clear, consistent protocol, including a calendar and a method for tracking data.
  • Provide signage for all CCRESA classrooms, meeting rooms, and offices, and copies for local districts stating CCRESA Mission, Vision, and Belief statements.

Organizational Culture

Create a collaborative, organizational culture, where everyone champions CCRESA’s structure, services, and programs.

  • Develop employee recruitment and retention plan.
  • Create and disseminate, using multiple formats, a single-page brochure outlining programs and services offered by CCRESA.

Operations, Personnel & Finance

Create a welcoming, collaborative environment, where everyone is provided, clear expectations, procedures, and practices, and the support necessary to succeed.

  • Conduct Special Education Millage renewal.
  • Complete remodel of Educational Center and plan for new phases.
  • Update Compensation Manual, Job Descriptions, and Employee Handbook.
  • Develop Supervisor Handbook and training for supervisors emphasizing personnel retention.

Teaching & Learning

Provide high-quality, dynamic and meaningful learning opportunities in supportive environments for all.

  • Establish county-wide task force to conduct review of schedules, assessments, and data systems and identify opportunities and benefits of collaborating on these.
  • Identify and catalog data sources designed to measure indicators of whole child outcomes as well as academic achievement, and prioritize their use in decision-making and communication.

Strategic Plan Progress

Services, Programs, Partnerships

Engage in partnerships to provide a comprehensive continuum of high-quality programs and services to meet the needs of all stakeholders.

Goal AreaStatus
Develop a Special Education Task Force to continually assess needs, plan for improvements, and monitor progress.In Progress
Expand the work of the district profiles.In Progress
Internally develop an organization-wide process for decision-making to bring departments together in collaborative efforts and better serve our districts.Not Yet Started

Communication & Community Engagement

Inform and engage the community about opportunities and services provided by CCRESA.

Goal AreaStatus
Establish contract with Ingham ISD for communication supports.Completed
Develop a communication plan with clear, consistent protocol, including a calendar and a method for tracking data.In Progress
Provide signage for all CCRESA classrooms, meeting rooms, and offices, and copies for local districts stating CCRESA Mission, Vision, and Belief statements.In Progress

Organizational Culture

Create a collaborative, organizational culture, where everyone champions CCRESA’s structure, services, and programs.

Goal AreaStatus
Develop employee recruitment and retention plan.In Progress
Create and disseminate, using multiple formats, a single-page brochure outlining programs and services offered by CCRESA.In Progress


Create a welcoming, collaborative environment, where everyone is provided, clear expectations, procedures, and practices, and the support necessary to succeed.

Goal AreaStatus
Conduct Special Education Millage renewal.Completed
Complete remodel of Educational Center and plan for new phases.In Progress
Update Compensation Manual, Job Descriptions, and Employee Handbook.In Progress
Develop Supervisor Handbook and training for supervisors emphasizing personnel retention.Not Yet Started

Teaching and Learning

Provide high-quality, dynamic and meaningful learning opportunities in supportive environments for all.

Goal AreaStatus
Establish county-wide task force to conduct review of schedules, assessments, and data systems and identify opportunities and benefits of collaborating on these.Not Yet Started
Identify and catalog data sources designed to measure indicators of whole child outcomes as well as academic achievement, and prioritize their use in decision-making and communication.In Progress
Profile Photo

Scott Koenigsknecht
